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Quarantine Reading Challenge

Quarantine Reading Challenge

Hopefully we’re getting near the end of our shelter-in-place time, but just in case, I thought it would be fun to have a Quarantine Reading Challenge.

(I expect all of you could finish this in a week, because what else do you have to do with yourself right now?)

We already know that bookworms are the ones who will show us the way during the global pandemics, so what better way to occupy our time than with a reading challenge?

You’re welcome.

Stuck at home? Need a new challenge? I've got your back! Check out my Quarantine Reading Challenge. Click To Tweet

A zombie apocalypse book (so we can pick up survival tips).

A future dystopian book (so we can realize how much better we have it even if it doesn’t look like it right now).

A nonfiction book (so we can improve our skills).

A book by an author we’ve never read before (because we should all try something new).

A book we’ve been meaning to read and haven’t gotten around to it (we have all this extra time now so why not put it to good use).

A book that takes place in school (as it appears we need a refresher with all the home schooling we’re doing now).

A book that features a family (as we may not be able to spend time with our own extended family, we need another family who won’t infect us).

A book with a character who can do real magic (because wouldn’t it be nice right about now to have the ability to wave a magic wand and fix all of this?).

A book that features a doctor, nurse, truck driver, grocery clerk, delivery person, police officer or anyone else who is essential right now (because we should celebrate everyone who is helping the rest of us shelter-in-place successfully).

A book that’s light and fun (to alleviate boredom).

A fiction book that take place in a foreign country (since we can’t travel now — armchair travel to wherever you want!). (Submitted by Jamie BL)

A book that has to do with some form of religion (because when this world ends, or we get bitten by a zombie, we definitely don’t want to go to hell!). (Submitted by Susan.)

Now it’s your turn. Comment below and share your reading recommendations.


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