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Quiz: What Does Your TBR Pile Say About Your Personality?

TBR – To Be Read. Every reader has one of these piles. Maybe it consists of stacks of books on your nightstand, or hundreds of eBooks in your Kindle, or audio files in your iPhone.

What does yours say about you as a person? Let’s dig in and find out.

How does your TBR (To Be Read) pile relate to your personality? Take the quiz and find out! Click To Tweet

1. Which of the following statements best describe your reading habits?

A. Read one book at a time.

B. Read multiple books at a time. (You have a book by your nightstand, another in your living room, yet another in the bathroom, etc.)

C. Depends. Sometimes you read one at a time (if the book is really good). If it’s not that great (but you still want to find out what happens), you start rotating through multiple books at once.


2. When you finish the book you are currently reading, you will:

A. Head to the library or the bookstore (online or brick and mortar) in search of a new book.

B. Select a book from your TBR pile.

C. Go through your TBR pile, start to worry you may run out of books to read in that TBR pile, and head over to Amazon or Kobo to find another book to read.


3. When you happen upon a new and interesting book, you immediately:

A. Make a note in a little notebook to check it out when you’re ready for a new book.

B. Make a note on your phone or on an Excel doc to check out when you’re ready for a new book.

C. Download a sample chapter to check out when you’re ready for a new book.

D. Immediately buy it to add to your TBR pile.


4. Your TBR pile currently consists of:

A. What TBR pile? You only buy or borrow one book at a time. (After all, you can only read one at a time, so what’s the point of having a big pile of books sitting there?)

B. A few books (less than ten). Just enough to have one waiting for you when you finish the one you’re currently reading. (If you have more than that, it would be overwhelming.)

C. More books than you could ever possibly read in this lifetime, yet you keep adding to it because, every now and then, you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat terrified you’re somehow going to run out of books to read.


5. Your favorite book format is:

A. Physical.

B. Kindle.

C. Any other eBook format OTHER than Kindle.

D. Audio.

E. All of the above.


If you checked mostly As: You’re likely detail oriented and well organized. You may also be a bit old fashioned, and a bit skeptical about all of this technology (maybe you even long for the days when a phone was JUST a phone and not a new body appendage).

If you checked mostly Bs: You have a healthy relationship with reading. Actually, you have a pretty healthy relationship with your life. You may even have mastered that elusive unicorn called “life balance.” You use technology thoughtfully to add value to your life without letting it take over.

If you checked mostly Cs and Ds (and E): Ahem.

‘Nuff said.


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