In 1979, Tom Turkei was found dead after Thanksgiving dinner. He had been alone in the living room, watching football, and the rest of the family was in the dining room, which was on the other side of the house. He had been hit on the head with a large gourd.
Police had concluded Tom had been killed by a drug addict who had broken in, looking for something to steal, and instead panicked when he saw Tom and killed him with the gourd. The front door was unlocked and there had been muddy footprints on the carpet. The rest of the family had all sworn they hadn’t left the dining room, nor had they heard anything as the football game was turned up so loud. The case was closed.
But was that what actually happened?
You’ll have to decide!
You’ll get a file (either virtual or physical) filled with clues such as journal entries, letters, detective notes, maps, newspaper clippings, etc., and your job will be to figure out who did it. (Like a mystery game.)
You can play by yourself or you can invite friends or family members to play with you. (Or maybe even your book club.) It’s not necessary to have read the book first (although you may want to).
So, are you ready to test your sleuthing skills? Come join the whole gang at the Redemption Detective Agency. We’re excited to have you here.
Choose virtual (you’ll download a PDF with all of the clues) or physical (we’ll mail you a case file). Includes free shipping!