Charlie Kingsley Audio Links The Murder Before Christmas Direct Audible Apple Google Play Chirp Kobo Nook Spotify Ice Cold Murder Direct Audible Apple Google Play Chirp Kobo Nook Spotify Murder Next Door Direct Audible Apple Google Play Chirp Kobo Nook Spotify Murder Among Friends Direct Audible Apple Google Play Chirp Kobo Nook Spotify The Murder of Sleepy Hollow Direct Audible Apple Google Play Chirp Kobo Nook Spotify Red Hot Murder Direct Audible Apple Google Play Chirp Kobo Nook Spotify A Cornucopia of Murder Direct Audible Apple Google Play Chirp Kobo Nook Spotify A Grave Error Direct Audible Apple Google Play Chirp Kobo Nook Spotify Loch Ness Murder Direct Audible Apple Google Play Chirp Kobo Nook Spotify A Wedding to Murder For Direct Audible Apple Google Play Chirp Kobo Nook Spotify Three French Hens & a Murder Direct Audible Apple Google Play Chirp Kobo Nook Spotify Books 1-3 (compilation) Direct Apple Google Play Chirp Kobo Spotify Nook Books 4-6 (compilation) Direct Apple Google Play Chirp Kobo Nook Spotify