Quarantine Reading Challenge

Quarantine Reading Challenge

Quarantine Reading Challenge

Hopefully we’re getting near the end of our shelter-in-place time, but just in case, I thought it would be fun to have a Quarantine Reading Challenge.

(I expect all of you could finish this in a week, because what else do you have to do with yourself right now?)

We already know that bookworms are the ones who will show us the way during the global pandemics, so what better way to occupy our time than with a reading challenge?

You’re welcome.

Stuck at home? Need a new challenge? I've got your back! Check out my Quarantine Reading Challenge. Share on X

A zombie apocalypse book (so we can pick up survival tips).

A future dystopian book (so we can realize how much better we have it even if it doesn’t look like it right now).

A nonfiction book (so we can improve our skills).

A book by an author we’ve never read before (because we should all try something new).

A book we’ve been meaning to read and haven’t gotten around to it (we have all this extra time now so why not put it to good use).

A book that takes place in school (as it appears we need a refresher with all the home schooling we’re doing now).

A book that features a family (as we may not be able to spend time with our own extended family, we need another family who won’t infect us).

A book with a character who can do real magic (because wouldn’t it be nice right about now to have the ability to wave a magic wand and fix all of this?).

A book that features a doctor, nurse, truck driver, grocery clerk, delivery person, police officer or anyone else who is essential right now (because we should celebrate everyone who is helping the rest of us shelter-in-place successfully).

A book that’s light and fun (to alleviate boredom).

A fiction book that take place in a foreign country (since we can’t travel now — armchair travel to wherever you want!). (Submitted by Jamie BL)

A book that has to do with some form of religion (because when this world ends, or we get bitten by a zombie, we definitely don’t want to go to hell!). (Submitted by Susan.)

Now it’s your turn. Comment below and share your reading recommendations.


15 thoughts on “Quarantine Reading Challenge”

  1. I look forward to the challenge. Work as a Security Officer. Checking trucks in and out at a car parts factory. I have plenty of time to read. Since everyone is staying home.

  2. A challenge is that what you are offering.
    I have already downloaded and read 12 books since being locked down!!
    Will definitely look at what you have to offer ..but currently I have 6 books waiting to be read! Great idea

    1. How I wish we all had the time to read that many books in a week! I am still working, so my free time is next to nothing. I might get to read one…there are many saying there’s nothing else to do…if that were only true. 😐

      1. Michele Pariza Wacek

        Hi Kelli, I’m still working too so I get it. Hopefully you still get to a few of the books on the list.

  3. I have been reading 1or2 books. Per day since We have had to stay in our homes.Ithink I have exceeded on this contest.I have read every genre there is except a biography.I am now reading a Sylvia Brown book.

  4. Well, I have just finished a series I have been meaning to read for several years now, new genre to me also, by two authors I have never read before…does that count on two or three of your challenges? Does the family have to be blood related or can it be a group with no other family or family so far away they cannot get to them…they consider themselves family, live together, kids and all? If so then the last one would also count on that challenge. Talking about an historical steampunk series, The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences, by Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris. Loved it.

    Now to address all of the other challenges…gotta do some thinking on a few, especially since I have never been interested in zombies or dystopian future genres. Do have a few chick lit bks floating around here for those times when I need something light, airy and no brain cells to understand what’s going on. Use them after some grisly mysteries. thrillers, psychologically heavy stories. One should qualify.

    Real magic…since I am into paranormal books I have quite a few of those laying about (lying just did not seem right here??).

    Of course, I have a few nonfiction books…do cookbooks count?

    There should be some address to the length of books. Now, a short story of 30-80 pages is called a book…hate that. Would you consider that as qualifying? Do have a few novellas and anthologies here that I read while waiting for doctors and/or dentists.

    Also have quite a few romantic suspense that have law enforcement officers, medical professionals, etc…that one is covered. However, I think the latest Eve Dallas series by JD Robb should count. Would that count also as dystopian future series? It’s future and it takes place after what they call the Urban Wars. If so, I just finished the latest, Golden in Death, two days ago…after the steampunk.

    The most difficult will be a book that takes place in school.; cannot think of even one I have in print or ebook…OK, I do have a few shorts that part of the story takes place in college, but are more erotica than much of a story. That count??

    Whew…did not realize I had so many of the challenges, or that I had so much to say here. There is one difference between myself, and many seniors, is that we do have other committments, things to do. This virus has not changed our routines much…except for grocery shopping, getting together with friends for coffee, etc. Me, I am usually emerging from MN winter hibernation to start my walking for exercise. Problem is our local malls are closed and I have to find some alternate route that will keep me close to bathrooms…if a senior, when you gotta go, it means ASAP. That I need for my mental health…after three seasons of walking I can weather our MN winters pretty good – as long as I have chocolate, Cheetos and can make homemade soups.

    Thank you for reading this far. Now to search for a zombie…has to be one somewhere around here…

    Sheila D

  5. I am up for the reading challenge. I have read 3 books so far in the last two weeks. I love reading, so sign me up.

    What I suggest is depending on your choice of books, I like alot of dystopia books and right now some might be the right thing to read.

    The Testing
    Year One
    These are a few to start with. I would love to see what others suggest! Thanks, T.Lou

  6. A book that has to do with some form of religion….because when this world ends, or we get bitten by a zombie, we definitely don’t want to go to hell!

  7. I love this reading challenge. I have run into a slight problem though. I love to read, but every time I sit down to read, I fall asleep. Getting a lot of naps in but very little reading.

  8. I love the idea of a quarantine reading challenge! I’ve met most of them because I’m a voracious reader and top reviewer on Amazon (#52 at the moment).

    Anyone have any good zombie recommendations… that’s a subgenre I’ve never read.

    I have a future dystopian series to recommend. When I first read it, the series was called, “The Clan of the Woodlands” and each book was titled after the “type” of the main person, e.g., “The Innocent” or “The Heir.” The author revamped the covers and changed the titles. The first book “Forsaken” by V. K. Ludwig, but the entire series is on Kindle Unlimited AND is available right now for 99 cents as “Genesis Lost.” I love the richly imagined world; a chemical accident (which we only hear about) caused massive societal shifts and draconian governmental measures especially to regulate sexual activity and reproduction. The author lists this as both sci-fi and dystopian… but it definitely future dystopian.

    Nonfiction: Here’s a set of diverse nonfiction skill books I’ve read in the two weeks, I recommend:
    “The Art of Crochet” and “The Art of Cricuting for beginners” by Freya Gates
    “How to Navigate the 5 Steps of Your Spiritual Journey” by Cheryl Marlene (built around the Hero’s Journey)
    “Lead for Growth” by Nichi Ayoka
    “The Leathercrafting, Wood Burning, and Whittling Starter Handbook” by Stephen Fleming
    “Ukelele for Beginners” by Andrew Scott (LOL, hey, why not?)
    “Guitar for Beginners” by James Haywire (if you prefer a more normal instrument!)
    “How to Budget and Manage Your Money” by Rachel Mercer

    Real Magic: A series by Tiffany Shand called the Rogues of Magic; first book is titled “Bound by Blood” and is currently free.

    Family fiction: Multigenerational story, “No Place Like Nantucket” by Grace Palmer. There is a lot of romance series based around siblings, too.

    Essential Workers: I am a nurse, so while I have read a lot of medical fiction (busman’s holiday… LOL), there are usually so many medical errors that I rarely find one I like! One of the better ones I’ve read is “Five Fathoms Beneath” by J. R. Alcyone. Here’s a nonfiction one: “Neurology Rounds with the Maverick” by Bernard M. Patten, MD.

    I’ve included my book blog website in my signature if you want to see my thoughts on a boatload of books. Michele PW, feel free to remove if not appropriate (if you can). If your website software doesn’t allow you to and you don’t want me to share the URL, I am happy to repost my suggestions without it. Just email me!

    Another fun challenge idea might be fiction books that take place in other countries than our own… since we can’t travel now. Armchair travel to wherever you want!

    And for everyone, do the authors of the books you like a solid: review a book or two that you read!

    1. Michele Pariza Wacek

      Hi Jamie, thanks for all the great recommendations. I appreciate the heads up about your blog link but I’m cool with it there.

    2. Michele Pariza Wacek

      Also LOVE the idea of the travel books! I’ve gotten two great ideas from readers and I think I’ll amend the reading challenge.

  9. I am so busy with my volunteer work that I only get to put up an audiobook during my time off while doing my chores at home. I write to elder people, I phone people, I write articles and news and I organize online events like a pubquiz now. Next to that I do a lot of extras. There is still a lot to do.

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