October Monthly Giveaway!

Welcome October!

And Welcome to my October giveaway!

With Halloween just around the corner, along with my Halloween new release The Murder of Sleepy Hollow, book 5 in the Charlie Kingsley Mysteries, it only makes sense to giveaway an autographed copy of The Murder of Sleepy Hollow.

Good luck!

October Monthly Giveaway! Win a signed paperback copy. Each month there's a new giveaway on the MPW blog so come check it out! Share on X

44 thoughts on “October Monthly Giveaway!”

  1. I love the covers of your books and I plan on reading them as soon as I get done with these 2 arc copies I have to read. And of course I have to watch the rings of power!!!
    Have a great weekend

  2. Mrs. Ainee C. Beland

    The cover of this book is lovely and the title is of interest and so I am entering this give away; I hope to win an autographed copy of this book and thank you for the opportunity!

  3. I read the firstv3 Redemption books 📚 like eating candy. Don’t know which to read next. Loved Charlie’s back story. These books are addictive

  4. I love mysteries. I haven’t had the opportunity to read any of your work. From the bits and pieces so far..excited.


    I love the look of this book. That Sleepy Hollow sounds really deep and enticing, as long as you are nor the victim of course. This is one I need to read.

  6. We are visiting Sleepy Hollow for the first time, so this caught my attention. I love the cover and I am eager to read my first book by you.

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