5 Things Worse Than Losing Your Memory

5 Things Worse Than Losing Your Memory (Guest post by Becca)

Author’s note: In my latest book “This Happened to Jessica,” Becca has to try and regain her memory of the night sixteen-year-old Jessica disappeared.

What makes it worse is Becca was apparently the last person to see Jessica that night.

Becca definitely has some strong opinions about her memory loss and insisted on sharing them with you today. I’ll let Becca take it away.

Thanks Michele. As I’m the one who has been stuck suffering with amnesia, I appreciate being able to weigh in here. (Yes, that is sarcasm. You have no idea how difficult it is being a character in a book and having no say on what happens to you. But I digress.)

Becca, my main character in my Secrets of Redemption series, has some pretty strong feelings about her amnesia. I'll let her share in her words. Share on X

In all seriousness, I haven’t decided if losing my memory is a blessing or a curse. For the purposes of this article, I’ll assume it’s a blessing and share 5 things that are worse than losing your memory.

1. Running out of coffee. Honestly, there are few things worse than running out of coffee. Well, maybe running out of cream and sugar. Or wine. Oh God, okay those are definitely worse. I can’t think about this anymore. I think I’ll go make another pot.

2. Reconnecting with your teenage crush and finding out he’s engaged. Yeah, this one sucks. Take it from me. There’s no upside here. Even if you’re not sure you WANT to date him, you still want to have the option, right?

3. Meeting a ghost. Especially a not-very-nice ghost that says mysterious and creepy things to you that make no sense. Trust me. I know. (Note from Michele: This is actually in the first book “It Began With a Lie,” not sure why Becca is bringing it up here but whatever.)

4. Getting hit by a train. Full disclosure, I’ve never been hit by a train so I can’t speak from experience, but I feel like this would be true.

5. Finding out you had something to do with your friend’s disappearance. Okay, this isn’t nice at all. I refuse to think about this. If you need me, I’m going to pour myself another cup of coffee. Or maybe a glass of wine. Definitely wine.

2 thoughts on “5 Things Worse Than Losing Your Memory (Guest post by Becca)”

  1. My first time reading you. I definitely like how Becca comes alive even just in those short paragraphs. Thank you

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