Silent Victim

Book Review: “Silent Victim” by Caroline Mitchell

Silent Victim

Emma is a loving wife, a devoted mother … and an involuntary killer. For years, she’s been hiding the dead body of the teacher who seduced her as a teen.

It’s a secret that might have stayed buried, if only her life had been less perfect. A promotion for Emma’s husband, Alex, means they can finally move to a bigger home with their young son. But with a buyer lined up for their old house, Emma can’t leave without destroying every last trace of her final revenge … 

Returning to the shallow grave in the garden, she finds it empty. The body is gone.

Panicked, Emma confesses to her husband. But this is only the beginning. Soon, Alex will discover things about her he’ll wish he’d learned sooner. And others he’ll long to forget.

The book Silent Victim by Caroline Mitchell is what I would call a classic psychological thriller.

What I mean by that is, we have a truly unreliable narrator in Emma, who not only lies and hides things, but who also has diagnosed mental issues. This makes it very difficult to sort out reality from what is happening in her head.

In addition, the story is told from the point of view of several characters who are also not completely honest, so there’s a lot to sort through.

It’s been awhile since I’ve read a “pure” psychological thriller, and I really enjoyed it. As much as I love books that mix genres, sometimes it’s nice to go back to “single genre roots,” and immerse yourself in it.

(Okay, that might be Michele, the Author talking, as I always read books on two levels: as a reader for pure enjoyment and as an author for what I can learn and take away from them to improve my own writing skills.)

Silent Victim is what I would call a pure psychological thriller. My full book review here. Share on X

I’m not entirely sure how I even found, Silent Victim, or the author, Caroline Mitchell. I was thumbing through my Kindle one day, and there it was. I don’t remember downloading it or where I first came across it or anything.

(Anyone else relate? Discovering books almost like magic on your Kindle?)

But, I’m glad I did.

I would give Silent Victim by Caroline Mitchell 4, maybe 4.5 stars. You can grab your copy on Amazon (it’s in KU as well) below.

2 thoughts on “Book Review: “Silent Victim” by Caroline Mitchell”

  1. This review peaked my interest in Silent Victim. It gives enough information to spark one’s curiosity and begin to develop interest in the outcome for the characters. Iwill be ordering the book.

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