“The Taking” Giveaway!

Happy Book Birthday to The Taking!

To celebrate, I’m giving away one of two signed paperback copies of The Taking, including a bonus bookmark. (US only.)

Happy Book Birthday to The Taking! Enter to win one of two signed paperback copies. Share on X

53 thoughts on ““The Taking” Giveaway!”

    1. As a kid, I enjoyed fairy tales like Show White, Cinderella, etc.. Then, when I was a young adult, as well as right now, I enjoy thrillers, but I also enjoy fairy tales thrillers!

  1. Karen Lynn Hackney

    I loved fairy tails and I think Beauty and the Beast was my special one. It showed how someone could fall in love with a person for who they are and not what they looked like which resulted in breaking the curse that was bestowed on the Prince that made him the Beast.

  2. I loved fairy tales as a child and my favorite was Cinderella. I still enjoy reading fairy tales as an adult.

    1. I loved fairy tales when I was a child. My favorite was Cinderella and another tale about a plain princess named Esmeralda.

  3. Favorite fairy tale would probably be Snow White and Rose Red. I have a lovely picture book of the story and liked the art in addition to the story.

  4. I did enjoy Fairy Tales as a child but I can’t remember which was my favorite. Hansel and Gretel appeals to me now, because it is a little different, even scary, if you think about it.

  5. Tracy Urschler

    I loved fairy tales as a child and still do. Beauty and the Beast was my favorite! Thanks for the chance!

  6. I’ve always loved fairy tales, especially the ones with damsels in distress, like Snow White and Rose Red.

  7. Laura Earickson

    I loved fairy tales. They make you dream. Hansel and Gretel was one of my favorites. All that candy!

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