Spooky Reads

Fall Reading Challenge October Update: Spooky Reads

We’re a month into the Fall Reading Challenge, and I thought it was time for a check in … to see how you’re doing, share reading recommendations, and give out gifts!

Yes, we have gifts! But first, I wanted to share a few thoughts on one of the themes in the reading challenge, which is spooky reads.

While I’ve always loved horror and scary stories, I very rarely read them. (Stephen King and Dean Koontz are two exceptions.)

Why? Because as much as I love ghost stories and haunted houses and things that go bump in the night, I hate the gore. And so often, horror stories are also gory stories.

(This is also what holds me back from considering Halloween my favorite holiday. The gore. If we could just get rid of the gore and stay with creepy, I would love it.)

One of the best parts of Amazon breaking the doors open on the traditional publishing industry and letting indies publish their books (other than my being able to publish my books more easily, of course) is how there are now so many other genres that bring in that haunted element without the gore … and even some without the scare factor.

An example is Ghost Gifts, which I talk about here. (And this is great, because everyone should be able to find a ghost book they enjoy.)

Speaking of book recommendations, you can find some of mine for this challenge here and here. I’d love to hear what you’re reading—wanna share in the comments?

And speaking of sharing, what are your thoughts about gore in horror? Love it? Hate it? Don’t care because you don’t like horror? Let’s discuss!

And now, the gifts! I’ve created badges you can share on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram depending on how many books you’ve read. Just download the graphics and post away. (And make sure you tag me, my social networking links are below, so I can respond.)

Plus, remember everyone who finishes the Fall Reading Challenge will be entered into a drawing to win their choice of one of my books.

Also, invite your friends! Everything is better with friends, especially Fall Reading Challenges! You can even invite your book club members as well, and everyone can share their books.

Okay, enough of that. It’s time for gifts!

Here are the badges:

First Book Read



I've got the first book read in the Fall Reading Challenge! Join me? Share on X

3 Books Read



I've got 3 books read in the Fall Reading Challenge! Join me? Share on X

I also created a Fall Reading Challenge Reading Tracker to make it easier for you to track your reading progress. It’s a pdf, you can grab it at that link.

And don’t forget to share your fave books in the comments. We’d all love to see what you’re reading.

3 thoughts on “Fall Reading Challenge October Update: Spooky Reads”

  1. I am looking foreword to reading your books. I am a caregiver and need reading. To keep me busy while they sleep. Thank you so much.

  2. Pingback: Time for a Fall Reading Challenge on MPWNovels.com

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