Fallon Raynes

Author Spotlight: “Make Them Pay!” Fallon Raynes

Today’s Author Spotlight is on Fallon Raynes, who wrote Temptress in the thriller anthology, Make Them Pay!

Fallon is a full-time paper pusher by day, and writer by night.

Take it away Fallon!

Q: Tell us a little about your story in Make Them Pay!?

A: Temptress is about a trio of thieves that are pilfering the local bars of Midland, Michigan. But they messed up and hit Detective Reyes’s honorary family member first. He is determined to catch them at all costs.

Q: What was the inspiration for your story?

A: I had an image in my head of a hot-looking lady in red. Unfortunately, she chose unwisely in the boyfriend department and ended up helping two guys rob dive bars. When I started writing this it gave me an idea for a series. I was looking for one of those. And this was a fun one to write after my last psychological novel. I hope to have this novel written this year.

Q: When did you start writing and/or publishing?

A: I actually released my first published novel last year. The writing started a long time ago with short stories and poems. An idea for a novel popped into my head around 2006. I started working on it and then came to a dead stop. Something wasn’t right. I am working on that novel and plan to release it later this year. Fingers crossed nothing like last year happens to the mojo.

Q: Why thrillers?

A: I really like psychological thrillers. And those are the characters that seem to come around in my head. I’ve never had too many romance ideas. Not to say I wouldn’t write one someday, but any time I think about it, someone always brings a knife to the party and ruins it. 😉

Q: Who are your favorite thriller authors to read?

A: Rebecca Forster—she was my first indie find as a thriller author. I also love Dean Koontz. I’m just starting to find more now as I look for more inspiration. I mostly read twisty dark x-romance, when I have time.

Q: Were your friends or family members nervous hanging around you once they read one of your books?

A: That’s a good question and probably one that scares most people. LOL But, no. Thankfully they’re not surprised. They know my husband and I watch the ID channel, and they are supportive of my writing.

Q: What’s your favorite non-reading, non-writing activity?

A: I would say being outside. It’s calming; you know when it’s not 90 degrees, or 15 below. Ha-ha! I also love puzzles, and crafts—when I have time; which hasn’t been much the past few years.

If you want to check out Raynes’ story along with the other 21 top thriller authors, here’s where you can grab your copy of Make Them Pay!

Discover the inspiration behind the story author Fallon Raynes included in the Make Them Pay! thriller anthology. Share on X

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