Drew Avera Make Them Pay

Author Spotlight: “Make Them Pay!” Drew Avera

Today’s Author Spotlight is on Drew Avera, who wrote A Dance With Death in the thriller anthology, Make Them Pay!

Drew is a Navy veteran, musician, and the bestselling author of The Alorian Wars and Dead Planet series.

Take it away Drew!

Q: Tell us a little about your story in Make Them Pay!?

A: A Dance With Death is the backstory of my protagonist, Detective Nathan Fox. He is a Norfolk, VA homicide detective chasing a fellow brother in blue for murder.

Q: What was the inspiration for your story?

A: This story is the catalyst for Nathan’s future troubles in the books I’m writing. He loses his mentor and then his family frays. He’s not in a good place and a lot of his afflictions begin with his “recklessness” in this story.

Q: When did you start writing and/or publishing?

A: I began in 2012 and published in 2013. Since then, I’ve published over twenty books and stories. Most of them are science fiction.

Q: Why thrillers?

A: I have eclectic tastes. Science fiction and fantasy are my favorite genre, but thrillers excite me in a way that feels more realistic. It might be the fact I spent twenty years in the military and saw some things most people never will. We certainly live in a world where you may experience a hostage situation before encounter a dragon or aliens lol.

Q: Who are your favorite thriller authors to read?

A: Patterson was the first, but James Rollins is a bit more exciting. In terms of thriller-based media, I love the show Bosch based on the books.

Q: Were your friends or family members nervous hanging around you once they read one of your books?

A: No, but they’ve always known I was a bit out there.

Q: What’s your favorite non-reading, non-writing activity?

A: I compose instrumental music. Most of it is guitar based rock/metal, but I do string arrangements with it. Music was my first love.

If you want to check out Avera’s story along with the other 21 top thriller authors, here’s where you can grab your copy of Make Them Pay!

Discover the inspiration behind the story author Drew Avera included in the Make Them Pay! thriller anthology. Share on X

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