Book Club Discussion Questions

Book Club Discussion Questions PERFECT for Psychological Thrillers, Mysteries, Supernatural and Horror Stories

Book Club Discussion Questions for Psych Thrillers, Mysteries, Supernatural and Horror Stories

A few years back, someone posted a question on Goodreads asking if any book club discussion questions existed for my book, The Stolen Twin.

Even though it had never occurred to me to provide them, the question still gave me pause.

I’m an English Major, so I always thought of  “literary” books as discussion question worthy.

But this made me think … why not my books? Why not anyone’s?

A good piece of fiction is a reflection. It allows us to see things in ourselves, in others, or in the world that can help us, as the great singer Prince would say, on this crazy journey we call “life.”

And discussing our perspectives with other book-minded souls—verbal processing—is a great way to really land the teachings in a way that may otherwise get lost.

But … how to even create the questions?

I did some searching and, lo and behold, I discovered several blog posts that listed “generic” book club questions.

While those were a good start, I thought why not take it one step further by creating book club questions that would work for my specific books and the themes I explore?

After creating my list, I realized they could also work for other books in similar genres.

So, if you love books that are a little “off kilter” … where things are never as they seem … you might enjoy the book club questions below. (Plus, I created an easy printable form you can download and bring with you to your next book club meeting–along with your snacks and a nice bottle of wine!)

(*I also included a couple questions at the end that are specific to my books.)

(Oh, and if you’d prefer generic book club questions that can fit a variety of genres, you can find those here.)

Interested in virtual book clubs? Check out my free virtual book club here.

Looking for book club discussion questions geared to mysteries, supernatural and even horror? Your search is over. Check them out. Share on X

Book Club Discussion Questions Perfect for Psychological Thrillers, Mysteries, Supernatural and Horror Stories

1. What did you like most about the book?

2. What did you like least?

3. Was the ending a surprise to you? Why or why not?

4. What plot element surprised you the most?

5. What was the biggest red herring for you? Why did it throw you off?

6. Who was your favorite character? Why?

7. Who was your least favorite character? Why?

8. If there was a supernatural or horror element to the story, how was it used? Was it a metaphor for something else? (Many times, “undead” elements like ghosts, vampires, or zombies are metaphors for things that haunt us in our own lives.) Why or why not?

9. Were there any plot twists that stumped you? If so, which ones?

10. Did this book remind you of a different story (a different book or movie)? What did it remind you of and why?

11. If you could change something about the story, what would it be? Why?

12. Were there questions left unanswered that you just can’t stop thinking about?

13. What three words would you use to best describe this book.

14. What was your favorite moment in the book? Your least favorite?

15. What do you think the purpose of this book was? What ideas or themes was the book trying to get across?

16. In what ways did the main character’s emotional journey mirror the supernatural elements of the plot? (If there were supernatural elements.) Were there any aspects of the plot that highlighted or contrasted the main character’s growth as a character?

17. Was the location fictionalized or real? How did it impact the story for you? If it was real, would you have preferred a fictionalized location and vice versa?

18. “Things are never as they seem.” This is one of my favorite themes. Was there anything you initially thought was one way, but it turned out to be something else?

19. “Choose your own adventure.” Another of my favorite themes. You can choose to believe the supernatural element, or you can choose to accept the “realistic” explanation. Which did you choose to believe and why?

20. If you got the chance to ask me as the author of this book one question, what would it be?

(Here’s that link again to grab the easy printable form.)

4 thoughts on “Book Club Discussion Questions PERFECT for Psychological Thrillers, Mysteries, Supernatural and Horror Stories”

  1. Pingback: Generic Book Club Questions for Every Fiction Genre

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